Thursday, January 25, 2007

When You're Ready

Ok. You don't get it.
What's all this bliss -Oprah-Dr. Phil-Buddha baloney when you have a screwy relationship, a job you despise, not enough money for the poor (which is you!), your parents screwed up your life, you're overweight, and you can't find Mr. or Mrs. Right. You have blockage, and all you know is that you want out. You want answers, an instant remedy, a useful recipe, a potion that boils up good, a fix-it purple pill, a miracle worker, or in the very least the ability to remove the London fog from your eyes.

Right? Wrong. Wrong. All Wrong. Quick fixes are so passe. And they never give you what you need-lasting change. Yet so many of us are so hell bent on finding the easy way out elixir. Know this : It is because we are afraid of facing our pain, and of facing the essential truth that you believe that you are not worthy of the goodness of what life has to offer. It's that simple. This truth is often the root of why you can't get it together, and why you keep creating more of the drama that you claim you don't want in your life.
When you are not ready for lasting change, you will find every excuse in the book as to why you are experiencing an unfufilled life. Just in case this is not you, I'll use some of the excuses that I've used in the past:
  • I don't have enough money to change.
  • If I try, I will fail. Then people will laugh at me.
  • I don't have what it takes to be happy.
  • Why bother? Working on myself is waste of time.
  • I can't work out, I have a job and I go to school.
  • I'm screwed for life, because my parents didn't know how to parent.
  • Only people with connections, beauty, and wealth have the right to have whatever they want.
  • Blah, Blah, Blah, and Wah, Wah,Wah. You get my point.

This blog will repeatedly suggest to you that you are responsible for fixing yourself. It's a type of fixing where you are plumb responsible for curing your own aches and pains, because quite frankly, this type of lasting permanent change can only be created by you. You can beat to your own drum. Yes! You do have that much power. Most of us just don't' understand that we do have the strength, that we do have what it takes to get into alignment. There is help. There are self-help books, wholistic therapists, spiritual practices, seminars, teachers, even talk shows, and magazine articles that can inspire change. But I take extra care in saying help because I want my readers to understand that help is no substitute for creating your own meaning, molding your own truth or finding your light. I am guilty of reading that magazine article, or self-help book, and going at it alone, believing that it would cure me of my ills, of my ill-fate, of my desperation to get out of a disparaging hole. I would commit to reading that suggested book, and just as soon as I put the book down, it was back to the grind of serving myself unhappiness on a plate.

Know this: You have to be ready for change and you have to want it. How do you know when you're ready? When every excuse that you've ever had in the world simply just falls away and you choose to be willing to do anything to bring yourself into the journey of alignment. It doesn't mean that you won't be afraid. But you're willing to drop that zero, quit that unfulfilling job, lose the weight, forgive your parents, and to be free. That's when you know you're on your way.

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