Friday, January 19, 2007

You Must Choose

It's amazing how much you can accomplish in life by living in fear, being angry, bitter, resentful, hurt, and simply disappointed with life. Before my new found openness to the divine, I operated through life mechanically, crossing my t's and dotting my i's, thinking my way through everything; comparing and measuring my existence unfairly to those I deemed more worthy than myself. I learned how to accept mediocrity. I got through and I played it safe. But I was miserable and tired. I became angry with slow-boil resentment. After all of my hard work, my life was simply not working.

I continued to dredge through life, but my conscious mind kept tapping me on the shoulder. I wanted change, but I was paralyzed by fear. Literally frozen with "what ifs?" I kept thinking about what I didn't have and how I could'nt make it. It wasn't until I decided to take a risk on choosing to live a better life that I learned about living from the inside out. It was that simple. I had to choose.

The decision to choose risk, has surpassed my wildest expectations. I now live life more flavor fully. I laugh more. I'm less affected by stupid ish. My relationships are simply just better. I make better choices. My focus has becomes clearer. I've become way less judgemental. My eyes dance and shine. Random acts of kindness and giving have become a necessity of life for me. I am in love with life. I have tasted enough of the divine/universe/inner spirit to never go back to the old me and I've decided that it's the only way that I want to move through this world.

That's not to say that living divinely is a pair of Manolo Blaniks, a villa in Tuscany, or the perfect party dip.

I've experienced the end of what I believed were significant friendships, nasty arguments with loved ones, scathing judgements for choosing to live blissfully, betrayal, painful childhood memories that continue to creep into my psyche challenging my new found bliss, and I've had many good cries. And they keep coming. But learning how to live my truth blissfully, out loud, and on purpose, has been worth the trip. I've never been happier.

It is my wish for you to experience the kind of awakening that allows you to reclaim the peace and joy that are inherently yours. If you are reading this, it is because the universe has intended it for you. The universe makes no mistakes. I encourage you to find your opening, your pathway to truth, in your own unique way.


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