Thursday, June 14, 2007

That thing called resentment....

There's envy, there's jealousy, and then there's resentment. And they all ask the questions: "How do I measure up?" and "Am I worthy?"

Envy is the fixation on what someone else has and deeming it better than. Envy is the result of habitual comparative thinking.

Jealousy is the act of being in a "envious state" and is a one two punch of envy and insecurity. Jealousy is connected with poor self worth and can be combined with revenge, vindictiveness and malice.

Resentment is the belief that you are unlucky in life and that others have it easier. Resentment is a perpetual belief system that builds and gains momentum over a significant period of time and is a dangerous emotional cocktail of anger, envy, jealousy, petty thinking, feelings of being inferior, frustration, and bitterness.

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