I suspect that many of us bury and hide our pain, because somehow we feel that if our past were different our lives would be better off. I couldn't see how revealing the truth to myself and feeling bad about it was helping me. I continued to ask the universe for guidance for my self-imposed confusion. By digging up my past, I was hoping that I would somehow have the power to confront it, change it; mend it, bring it up to speed.
I simply wanted my past to be different. I wanted to have better parents and a financially well off and emotionally loving and supportive family. And I was pissed that I didn't have it. Using the measuring stick of other's lives I felt that this was what I needed and that I was let down by life. I even had a friend who would always say: " You can't just shake that shit off and move on!". It supported my belief that I deserved to remain in emotional pain. This belief was recycled by my heart over and over again, but instead of staying in the past of where I thought it was, I was perpetuating more of it in my future. I continued to experience more of the same in the now.
Well beware of the power of the ego! The ego will try it's best to keep your spirit and brain locked into the vestiges of your past. But the universe knows the real truth about you. The truth is that you are where you are supposed to be right now. The Universe knows that you have the power to create in the now! It is called the gift of free will! I heard Oprah profoundly state: "When you get over the hope that your past could've been different then you know are on your way."
You have the power of now on your side.