Friday, February 16, 2007

Giving Your Past Your Power

When we make the decision to heal often times we backtrack, have breakdowns, emphatically state that it's too hard, become depressed, and create confusion. Most people would rather remain frozen because the pain of our emotion is simply unbearable. We believe we don't have the tools we need to grow beyond our circumstances. Besides, in revealing the truth to yourself will feel like your are some sort of glutton for punishment. You will ask yourself: Why bother?

The Great Iyanla Vanzant as well as many other spiritual teachers will testify that you are not being punished, you are being fortified. You are being strengthened in ways that the creator knows you can handle. If you have been inspired to heal, it is because the universe wants it for you.

When I first began the process of truth, I must tell you that it has been and continues to be some of the most challenging work I've ever done. There were times when I'd rather lick a subway pole than to keep digging inside of the deepest part of me. When truth was revealed I would become the hottest mess of "Whoa is me", celebrating in the thousands of pity parties that I would have for myself. I repeated, analyzed, journalized, criticized, and picked apart my past in attempts to fix or possibly even cure.

I suspect that many of us bury and hide our pain, because somehow we feel that if our past were different our lives would be better off. I couldn't see how revealing the truth to myself and feeling bad about it was helping me. I continued to ask the universe for guidance for my self-imposed confusion. By digging up my past, I was hoping that I would somehow have the power to confront it, change it; mend it, bring it up to speed.

I simply wanted my past to be different. I wanted to have better parents and a financially well off and emotionally loving and supportive family. And I was pissed that I didn't have it. Using the measuring stick of other's lives I felt that this was what I needed and that I was let down by life. I even had a friend who would always say: " You can't just shake that shit off and move on!". It supported my belief that I deserved to remain in emotional pain. This belief was recycled by my heart over and over again, but instead of staying in the past of where I thought it was, I was perpetuating more of it in my future. I continued to experience more of the same in the now.

Well beware of the power of the ego! The ego will try it's best to keep your spirit and brain locked into the vestiges of your past. But the universe knows the real truth about you. The truth is that you are where you are supposed to be right now. The Universe knows that you have the power to create in the now! It is called the gift of free will! I heard Oprah profoundly state: "When you get over the hope that your past could've been different then you know are on your way."

Eureka! Give up the hope! Create the life that you want for yourself now! Starting right now! Your past is simply that, your past. If you continue to let it imprison you, you will continue to create more of the same in your present and your future. Change how you feel about your past. Lovingly acknowledge it, forgive it and move forward.

You have the power of now on your side.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Red Love Day

I don't think you'll be surprised to discover that at the Bliss Blogs we are not so big on strategically marketed, commercialized love. First off, there are way too many pseudo romantic, and ultimately corny expectations for Valentine's day. With conditioning, many of us get caught up in the hype of the red love day. Not that love, romance, roses, chocolate, and heartfelt expressions aren't delicious. The Bliss Blogs would be absolutely moronic in saying that gifts aren't the icing on your Red Velvet Cake.

However, what's up for discussion is not the concept of Valentine's day but the knowing of love and its tremendous power. It's power to transform, cure, expand, rejoice, sizzle, and to totally fix what's broken. Yes! Love is the cure all for whatever is ailing you in your life; not the pull of your emotional purse strings. Honestly, this is the kind of love that can't possibly be honored in the time capsule of February the 14th. This kind of love is timeless and universal and it all begins with you.

Do you know love? This love is not a narcisstic, all-about-me, and I'd better get type of love. This is the type of love where you blissfully enjoy your own company while in a relationship. Where if your'e not in a relationship you know that "Mr. Right for you" is on his way. Where you get lost in the passion of your own creativity of writing, cooking, performing, singing, dancing, healing, painting, or the many endless expression's of Divinely given talent. It's when you know that you have the power of the universe replicated inside of your heart.

Connecting with you bliss is key in loving your fabulousness. And simply put, loving begins with you. There's no other way around it. The sooner you connect with this truth the happier you will be on the red day of love and forward. The Love that I'm talking about here is a passion in being alive, in feeling worthy and in loving your imperfections. This love loses grudges and honors forgiveness. This love is eternal, alive, burning, and it's kicking like a mule to get you to honor it.

Your love is more about an attitude adjustment and a commitment to internal growth. All forms of media will tell you to buy yourself flowers, or marry yourself, or to take yourself out to dinner alone. Esoteric, but it doesn't quite scratch the surface. You've got to get messy and deep down to what's real for you. It's about growing into the feeling of your inherit worthiness. I guarantee you that this love will fill you up in ways that you've never imagined.

Loving yourself begins with truth and forgiveness. Forgiveness of yourself and others. Committ to telling yourself the truth at all times and you will forever be connected to love.

Now eat the dern Red Velvet Cake.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Giving It Away.

I don't think that I'm unique when I tell you that I grew up in a family who's primary Modus Operandi was dysfunction. We operated under the family rules of "Don't Talk", "Don't Feel", and "Don't think for Yourself." I simply was taught that it was not ok to "shine." As a result, I was a shrunken kid who grew into a shrunken adult whose primary goal was to not be seen or heard. I gave pieces of myself away, that I can never get back.

  • At fifteen I gave away my virginity. I gave it away because I was tired of saying no. It would not be the last time I had sex with a man simply because he wanted it.
  • When I would earn a good grade, I would say "Wow, Professor M. gave me a good grade! Never mind the fact that I worked hard to earn the grade.
  • I've been in relationships where I didn't receive gifts or flowers. I accepted this because I didn't want to scare them away.
  • A certain girlfriend of mine who loved the high life, would always have an excuse as to why she never had money for the high life. I almost always paid her way, because I wanted her company.
  • I've been in countless other situations where I have been afraid to use my voice in fear of ridicule or of losing friends.

How many times do we give our good stuff away in the name of devaluation? How many times do we shrink ourselves and our voices in the name of playing nice and not stepping on any one's toes? Every time we give a piece of ourselves away we small our lives and we small our expectations of our selves. The worst part of it is that shiftless people can sniff you out like a shark that smells a drop of blood. They will poke, prod, use and abuse as long as you allow.

It is never ok to be voiceless. So do yourself and favor and stop giving you away. Know and make no excuses for what you want. I'm talking about what you want; not what society wants. (Often we get the two confused) Know that you are already worthy. That you are already whole. That you are already unique; made in the reflection of the Divine's love.

Empower yourself today in re-discovering your bliss, so you that can stop giving it away.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

All People aren't Ready At the Same Time...

There was a time in my life when I was so afraid of change. Not because I didn't want it, but because I was afraid of leaving others behind. I didn't want to admit that I knew I had the power to create the life that I wanted; I felt as if making that choice would be betraying my friends and loved ones. I simply did not want others to think that I thought I was that I was better, more favored, or more blessed. As a result my journey towards inner bliss had many false starts.

At the Bliss Blogs we know for sure that you could hand a Bible, Koran, the Universe, a Cross, and deliver Jesus himself to the door step of pessimistic people and they will stlll create a reason to live fantastically miserable in their own unhappiness. At the Bliss Blogs we know for sure that all of humankind comes from the same source. We also know that yes! People do not always present themselves as representatives of that very same source. The true fact is that most of humanity has been conditioned to use their egos to find satisfaction out of life. The perpetual problem is that with the ego, you are never completely happy or satisfied and you end up living your life on a treadmill.

Do not fret if you are ready to get off of the treadmill and others are not. Perhaps they are simply not ready. It is not your job to fix anyone other than yourself. In fact most of us try to fix others because we are afraid to do and give ourselves that very same treatment. As you continue to grow, all of the non-believers, and people with hidden agendas will reveal themselves to you for who they truly are. The light of truth always exposes. They will either be inspired by your newfound change, or they will resent you for growing into your own beauty. Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. Either way you will be on your way to reconnecting with your original essence: being free.

As long as there is life there will always be doubters, non-believers, and pessimists. They serve as a reminder to teach us how not to live.

Peace, Blessings and a Great weekend.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Secret Law of Attraction

The power of the universe speaks at all times.
At the Bliss Blogs we sincerely believe that people are searching for a way to meaningfully connect with joy, peace, love and abundance. People want real change, connected with real meaning. Today's Oprah featured select cast members from the buzz worthy documentary "The Secret" ( Executive produced by Australian Rhonda Byrne. A DVD that the Bliss Blog urges and recommends that you to make a sincere investment in.

The Secret is simply the "Law of Attraction". It means that what your conscious and unconscious mind focuses on; expands. It is simply why the Bliss Blogs encourages you to connect with what's real in your life from the inside out. For most of us, it's the unconscious mind that rules; consequently bringing more of what we claim we don't want into our lives.

If you have "The Secret." Have a party. It's that powerful.

Getting "The Secret" is one of the ways you can step into the open light of truth. It all depends on this one question:

How bad do you want change?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Introspection: Your MO With You.

The Big "O"(Oprah) states it perfectly:

"Life speaks to you in whispers. When you disregard your inner whisper, it comes to you as a warning in the form of a pebble. If you don't get that, then comes the brick. If not that, then a brick wall. After the brick wall, the entire wall will come tumbling down."

I don't know about you, but I've been hit with many bricks and crumbling,tumbling walls. Heck, I still get hit with lots of pebbles. But bricks upside your head hurt. And if you don't know by now, know that life simply just does not fall out of the sky. It is a series of thoughts and emotions that are manifested as your physical reality. Nevermind your significant other, your children, the laundry, that new reality show on VH1, tonight's dinner or the fact that the trash needs to be taken out. What is your whisper trying to tell you? What is your relationship like with you? What is your MO (Modus Operendi) ?

At the Bliss Blogs we can't imagine a day that doesn't go by where we are not personally checking in to make sure that we are attuned. To be attuned is to be in agreement with the act of introspection. Introspection is the use of your ability to trust yourself; fully. It's the ability to know the difference between your ego, and your true inner being (the whisper). It is your ability to trust that everything inside your gut is in alignment with truth. Introspection is an internal tune-up that you use to decide whether you are following the correct path for yourself in life.

Introspection is key in fulfilling your divine purpose.
Are you grasping lessons that need to be learned? Or are you holding on to anger and unforgiveness? Are you in alignment with truth or are you ruled by fear? What about the people in your world? What does their reflective light say about you?

The Bliss Blogs will never suggest a quick fix solution. Choosing to heal is choosing a life journey. And when you make the choice to heal from the inside out, introspection will be your tool of choice for motivational healing. It will help you to dig out the dirt and replace it with love. It will guide you in making better choices for yourself. It will empower you to change in the now, so that your future will burn so bright that it will blind your eyes.

Your instincts. Your gut. They are good. With introspection you can learn how to rely on them whenever needed. You can begin, by simply being honest with yourself, and by releasing pent up, long held, negative emotions. And as corny as it may sound; free them to the wind. Replace with truth. You are beautiful. Too marvelous for words. A hit album waiting to be released.

With introspection you are making the choice to live powerfully. And nothing is more powerful than being free.


Thursday, February 1, 2007

You Put the Active in Procrastination.

The Bliss Blog has been inspired to act. We've just finished watching a six o' clock re-run of UPN 's "Girlfriends." And as it relates to The Bliss Blogs, a character by the name of "Lynn" has six master's degrees with no career prospects on the horizon and no place to live. Lynn mooches off of her apathetic friends to get by as she comes up with the necessary excuses to bide her more time to not act. The character is by far a stretch (Hey wait! some of you may know extreme cases of healthy individuals who lolly gag from day to day....)

However The Bliss Blogs will not digress.

This particular blog's mission is to dispel active procrastination. A coined term that completely puts your bliss under arrest; even taking it hostage. It's not the type of procrastination where we all have experienced those fitful moments when we're just not ready to think, begin, or complete that thing we need to do. It's a more acute form of brain freeze

Active Procrastination:
The ability to consistently skirt around the very thing you need to do to accomplish your goals and to fulfill your purpose. The sustained resistance in following through and directly connecting to your hearts truest desires. The ability of "making the connection and journey" to your bliss complicated. The "now is not the right time syndrome." AP is a more acute type of procrastination rooted in paralyzing fear, and a strong emotional attachment to a negative outcome; namely failure.

You don't know how to swim. You want to learn so you compile a reading list of swimming books when you know you should be signing up for a beginner's swimming class. Instead you sign up for a class in beginners Latin.
You live in New York, you need to get to New Jersey, but you take the Orient Express in China to get there.

The Bliss Blog so knows of AP
. Because prior to creating the Bliss Blogs, its CEO had a severe case of AP. In plain language, that would be moi (accent). I read inspirational books, worshipped my favorite authors, and found my calling. But I refused to believe that I could possibly inspire someone on how to follow their bliss through my own writing.

We'll that's all changed now, thanks in part to taking that first step in faith. The simple truth is that most people have a hard time making that connection simply because they believe that they are not worthy. At The Bliss Blogs we assure you that this simple truth is the essence of all doubt, anxiety, confusion, brain freeze, and mind rot.

Reject the idea of failure.
Resist the idea that there is only one way to do something. Resist the notion that you are not good enough. How can you fail? You only can learn by trial and error; by acting. Just think of all of the people you love and admire. Read biographies, and use them as your inspiration, because they will be the first to tell you that the journey to bliss was not easy, but always worth the trip!

Remember! Act directly and accordingly! Perfection is a silly, unattainable goal.
