Monday, January 22, 2007

An Open Source

Some food for thought. I am a believer in an infinite open source and as I communicate with you throughout this blog I will often refer to open source energy as The Divine or The Universe. For me, God/Spirit/Divine/Essence/ Higher Power/Universe/Buddha/ Jesus/ Jehovah/Goddess/ Isis/Oshun/Source/ Energy/ and all other unlimited expressions of spirituality are akin to a hand with five fingers or different streams that all pour into the same ocean.

Spirituality is not a theological debate. There is no right religion or wrong religion, or better god or best god. There is no right text or correct religion that you must believe at the expense of all others. No matter what your beliefs are, or what organized religion you subscribe to its all good and they all illuminate beliefs that are all a part of the same oneness. For many of my readers my fresh perspective will serve as a sign of relief; for others my insight may be a bitter pill to swallow. I even dare say; be wary of anyone who proclaims to have the one right path towards God.

Know this: your relationship with the divine is one on one. No one else is a part of that. So nix any old-school ideas of the divine that weigh you down, squash your inner knowing, or throws cold water mixed with ice cubes on your desire to connect with your bliss. What matters when using a higher power in re-connecting with your bliss is that you find your center, your nexus, your peace, your joy, your inner knowing through quiet contemplation and exploration. How can you find your inner knowing if your spirituality boxes you in making you feel guilty, shameful or even worse fearful? Be willing to create a brand new relationship with The Divine. Even if you feel totally clueless. Continue to dig down deep inside of your soul. And remember to remain open.

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